A safe place to experience healing and growth
Serving and equipping hurting families
Northstar Community is a group of people who have survived something hard. Things like trauma, substance use disorder, mental illness, loss, fractured family relationships, harmful church experiences, and more.
We work together to find hope and healing through personal and spiritual growth. We do this through offering support groups, mental health and substance use counseling services, addiction education for family members, and faith-based community.
What we do
We host some support groups (NA and Nar-anon). We run a few support groups of our own which help people learn to navigate life crises and become more effective helpers to people living with a substance use disorder.
Our executive director, Scott, works as both a pastor and a mental health counselor. He offers substance use, family, and other forms of mental health counseling free of charge.
Or you can come in for a consult where you describe a problem you or someone you love is facing and learn about the best resources in our area to address it.
We gather as a faith community to encourage each other to become the best possible version of ourselves.
You don’t have to be a person of faith to join in- and we won’t even try to convert you.
Head’s up! We’ve Moved!
You can now find us on Sunday mornings at 1213 Porter St. There is a parking lot less than a block from the church. Enter the building on 13th street by using the door at the top of the accessibility ramp.
1213 Porter St
Richmond, VA 23224