Our Community.
Mercy, Grace, Acceptance, Belonging.
Faith Community.
Our faith community begins by gathering for worship on Sunday mornings. Our intention is to provide a space to encounter God through music, through discussing the principles of the 12 steps, and the Bible.
We do not have a traditional "sermon." We have a message time where people are invited to engage and ask questions. It feels different- not quite like church as you’ve known it. We encourage you to try it out for about 4-6 weeks to see if it’s for you.
Community extends beyond the worship service. We continue to gather throughout the week for support groups, discussion groups, walks, hikes, classes, lunches, and more. We serve Richmond’s recovery population through prison ministry, packing lunches for friends in need, hosting participants from The Healing Place on Sunday morning, coordinating service projects with VCU’s collegiate ministry, Rams in Recovery, and more.
We believe we need each other in order to thrive and to live out our calling as people of faith. In fact- we need you, and we won’t be the best possible version of ourselves until you’re here too.
“Northstar makes faith feel safe- like being wrapped in a warm blanket.”
- Community member
One of the many things we value, as a community, is growth, and life presents us with an unlimited number of opportunities to grow. At NSC, you can get plugged into a number of different groups that will help foster your growth both spiritually and interpersonally.
Our Saturday night discussion group often focuses on stress management, coping skills, boundaries, and communication skills, as well as spiritual topics such as forgiveness, friendship, joy, thriving, and more.
Periodically we offer 8-week classes on things like the Enneagram, Learning to Listen Well, and How to Have Crucial Conversations that will help you practice your faith in everyday life. And, again, you can also dive into explicitly spiritual topics, as we’ve also run classes on how God works in the world, how to determine God’s will, and what the book of Job teaches us about faith and suffering.