Our Story.
As told by us.
In 1999, our team recognized the Church's need to address real-life issues like substance use, trauma, abuse, divorce, and more...
Faith communities do many things well.
They provide places to worship, community connections, a sense of calling and purpose, a place to raise children with other families who share your values, and more. At the same time- church is a place where you feel a certain pressure to be “good”. That pressure sometimes encourages us to try to look like we have it all together...even when our lives are falling apart. Back in 1999- our team decided to change that based on the belief that you can be a person of faith and still be yourself. You can have problems and still be worthy, even deserving, of comfort, love, support, and guidance.
In response to the church’s growing need to address real-world issues, our team created a faith-based recovery service as part of an 8-week pilot project that met in an elementary school. This meeting bridged the gap between faith and recovery, at a time when it was taboo to even say the word, “alcoholic,” in a church. It bridged the gap between the church community and the recovery community. “Church people” and “recovery people” came together- people who otherwise might never have met. Worlds collided. And we were forever changed.
At the end of 8 weeks we kept meeting...and have never stopped. We continue to explore new ways to help address recovery issues in our community through support groups, meetings, education, and creative partnerships and referrals. All this we do through the unique way of seeing that our faith offers us.
Our goal for today is the same as it was in 1999. We want to love and support each and every person in our community (and beyond) through offering the right combination of resources to help you create the life you want to live.
We continue to meet for faith-based recovery services and, as we’ve seen the need grow, we do more. We offer adult education classes, support groups, individual and group counseling experiences, Enneagram training and coaching, and individual and group coaching to family members who have loved ones in recovery. And, starting in the spring of 2021, we will also offer our own aftercare treatment program for people transitioning out of inpatient rehab back into their pre-treatment life circumstances.
And our work doesn’t end there. Sometimes our work is listening to your story and referring you to a counselor, a treatment center, or even the personal trainer who will best be able to help you address your needs. Sometimes our work is coaching you in best practices for communicating with a loved one battling substance use. Sometimes it’s having deep and profound conversations about how a good God can allow so much pain and suffering.
Sometimes our work is simply sitting with you while you hurt, or grieve.
Whatever the case may be, we’re here to care for you and your loved ones as you journey towards an ever more meaningful day-to-day life.