Thursday Night Topic for March 17: How to Set Boundaries

Attention Thursday night Family & Friends Education Group People! (Quite a title, right?)

Here's your info for this week.

Peter Pennington will be discussing the question: How Do I Set Boundaries With a Loved One?

Many family members hope their loved one finds recovery and happiness. This often comes at the family's expense, regardless of whether the loved one wants help or not. We will define boundaries, discuss how boundaries may vary depending on family dynamics and values systems, and how to express these boundaries with clarity and love.

Peter Pennington is a treatment placement specialist with Acadia Healthcare representing Eastern Virginia helping people find access to treatment.

Thursday night. 6:30. Via Zoom: at 6:30 pm:


Thursday Night Topic for March 31: How to Help Your Loved One Change


Thursday Night Topic for March 3: Communicating Hard Truths with Love