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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Sign ups for Week of May 10-16

Hey all,

We do not currently have a host for this Saturday night (May 15), if you’re willing to host us, just click here and let us know how many people you’re comfortable hosting, the time, where, and if you want us to bring any food.

Note: To sign up, just click the link above, click on Saturday’s date, click continue, fill in the info, click “complete appointment.”

If you want to sign up for worship for May 16, click here.

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

May 9th Worship Sign up

Dear Community -

Our first week back in person went well! Now on to the next one. I will continue to include our guidelines in these announcements so you all know what to expect.

 Here's what you need to know:

1.      Please register by clicking here to reserve a seat in the Sunday service. Space will be limited based on current VA Department of Health guidelines and the size of our room. Space will be reserved on a first come first served basis. Things to keep in mind as you sign up: Please only sign up once.  If you're a couple, please sign up individually.

2.     We ask that you wear masks while you are attending the service.  Masks should fit snugly and should cover your nose and mouth and should remain in place while you are inside the building.  Disposable masks will be available at the door. (Not only is this a health/safety guideline, it just generally helps others feel safe during a time of transition and anxiety. We know not everyone will be happy about wearing masks, but we're requesting this as an act of neighborliness).

3.     Please practice social distancing by maintaining a 6 feet of space between yourself and others.

4.     Should you experience symptoms of Covid or have come in contact with someone who has Covid please refrain from attending in person service.

5.     Please enter the building through the main lobby door (your typical Sunday entrance).

6.     Windows will be open to enhance ventilation; please dress accordingly because it might get a little chilly.

7.     For those you who are part of a quaran-team together, you can disregard the 6 ft. guideline and sit in seats next to each other but at a 6 ft. distance from other attendees.

8.     Sanitizing stations will be located at entry and exit doors and bathrooms.  When exiting the bathrooms, please keep the exhaust fan on and open door wide!

9.     At the close of the service we ask you to sit tight while we dismiss the group in stages so we don't have a bottleneck at the door, and humbly request you to socialize in the parking lot. (The exit door will be the door near the men's restroom on the “office” side of the building).

10.  No food or drink will be served at the service. You can bring your own beverage if you like!

11.  Music will consist of recordings/video of Steve and Brian.

12.  Please contact Northstar if you suffer Covid like symptoms or test positive for Covid after attending the service by texting Scott or Teresa or going to the website.

13.  We will continue to monitor relevant COVID-related statistics and make judgment calls about pausing the service if/when the team determines that to be a necessary health measure. 

With gratitude for small steps - The Post Pandemic, we're gonna make this happen, Team!

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Sign up to attend Sunday morning, May 2nd.

Dear Community -

As we begin to meet together at Northstar we will follow health protocols designed to keep our community safe.  Opinions differ among individuals regarding the safety of meeting in person,  we want to respect all by providing an in person service as well as a Zoom alternative.  We ask those who attend in person follow measures to protect other attendees and increase the comfort level of all.

While this is not the Northstar we remember so fondly, it is the Northstar which we can have at this time.  As the situation improves Northstar will move towards the service we were accustomed to and the fellowship we enjoyed prior to the Pandemic.

 Thank you for your support and cooperation.

 Here's what you need to know:

1.      Please register by clicking here to reserve a seat in the Sunday service. Space will be limited based on current VA Department of Health guidelines and the size of our room. Space will be reserved on a first come first served basis. Things to keep in mind as you sign up: Please only sign up once. If you sign up more than once, then we get an inaccurate tally and have seats open that we could otherwise fill. If you're a couple, please sign up individually.The way the system works is you sign up for individual seats so signing up individually helps us make sure we have an accurate count and enough seats for our signer-uppers.

2.     We ask that you wear masks while you are attending the service.  Masks should fit snugly and should cover your nose and mouth and should remain in place while you are inside the building.  Disposable masks will be available at the door. (Not only is this a health/safety guideline, it just generally helps others feel safe during a time of transition and anxiety. We know not everyone will be happy about wearing masks, but we're requesting this as an act of neighborliness).

3.     Please practice social distancing by maintaining a 6 feet of space between yourself and others.

4.     Should you experience symptoms of Covid or have come in contact with someone who has Covid please refrain from attending in person service.

5.     Please enter the building through the main lobby door (your typical Sunday entrance).

6.     Windows will be open to enhance ventilation; please dress accordingly because it might get a little chilly.

7.     For those you who are part of a quaran-team together, you can disregard the 6 ft. guideline and sit in seats next to each other but at a 6 ft. distance from other attendees.

8.     Sanitizing stations will be located at entry and exit doors and bathrooms.  When exiting the bathrooms, please keep the exhaust fan on and open door wide!

9.     At the close of the service we ask you to sit tight while we dismiss the group in stages so we don't have a bottleneck at the door, and humbly request you to socialize in the parking lot. (The exit door will be the door near the men's restroom on the “office” side of the building).

10.  No food or drink will be served at the service. You can bring your own beverage if you like!

11.  Music will consist of recordings/video of Steve and Brian.

12.  Please contact Northstar if you suffer Covid like symptoms or test positive for Covid after attending the service by texting Scott or Teresa or going to the website.

13.  We will continue to monitor relevant COVID-related statistics and make judgment calls about pausing the service if/when the team determines that to be a necessary health measure. 

With gratitude for small steps - The Post Pandemic, we're gonna make this happen, Team!

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Sign ups: Week of April 26, 2021

Hey all,

We have a lot going on this week. First up, Tami is hosting us on Saturday night. If you want to sign up, click here.

Second, we are meeting in person this Sunday. Click here to read about the guidelines and then sign up.

Third, do you want to host a Saturday night? We don’t have anyone scheduled to host after May 1. Click here to sign up to host- just let us know the time, how many people you feel comfortable hosting, and what you plan to offer (nothing is an acceptable offer, FYI).

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Summer Saturday Nights (Sign up to host)

Hey all-

We are going to take a break from Saturday night classes over Zoom this summer.

This summer we’re going to use Saturday night as an opportunity to connect, hang out, socialize, etc.

The way this is going to work is: You can volunteer to host an event. It doesn’t have to be big or special or fancy. You get to decide the rules (re: COVID) regarding number of people, masks, indoors/outdoors, whether or not there will be food, etc.

If someone hosts on a given Saturday night, there will be event. If no one volunteers to host- there won’t be! So it’s up to you!

Here’s the link to sign up to host a Saturday night:

Just click on the date of the Saturday that you want to host, click the continue button, and then answer the questions letting us know how many people you can host, the time, whether or not there will be food, etc. etc. and we’ll get a sign up on the website.

Thanks all!

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Narcan Training and Distribution

Hey Folks,

The Family Education Program will be doing a training on Narcan this Thursday (Feb 25) at 6:30 pm. If you don’t know- Narcan is an entirely safe product that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. It’s a great thing to just have and to carry with you.

The distribution will take place this Saturday at Northstar Community (563 Southlake Blvd) from 12 pm to 2 pm.

Spread the word!

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Yoga With Nancy

Topic: Yoga with Nancy. All are welcome, no matter your skill level. The meeting link is below, but you do need a password to enter. Email Nancy to get it!

When: Typically Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday at 7:15 am. The schedule shifts depending on group needs so make sure to check in before logging on.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 969 4077 6047

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,96940776047# US (New York)

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

NSC Directory

We've had several requests for an NSC directory lately.

We've had this sign up on our website for quite some time, but haven't gotten a ton of sign ups:

Why is signing up important?!?

This is the day and age of privacy concerns. You have privacy, we want to respect it. Just because we already have your email or phone number doesn't mean we have your permission to give it to others.

So if you want to be a part of the directory then please "opt in" by filling out this short form so that we have your permission to share your info with other Northstarians.


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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Download Our App

In our app, you can:

  • Get updates and alerts

  • See announcements

  • View and/or listen to video and music content

  • Message groups you’ve joined

  • And more!

Just search for Northstar Community in the app store and choose the one with our logo (our new logo- the circle-y, swirly thing which you can see at the top of this website).

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