Welcome to our new blog
Hey NSC'ers,
Welcome to our new blog format.
Starting Dec. 1, 2017, we will post our daily blog directly on our Squarespace website and they will be emailed to you via our new MailChimp account. Between now and then you will continue to receive the blogs in the exact same format you are used to. There will only be one more day where you will receive both an "old" blog email and a "new" blog email.
We are doing this so we can have greater control over the format and layout of each post and how they appear both in your browser, on your phone, and in your email app. Hopefully this will make it easier to read and engage our posts. In a few days, you'll get another email unpacking new features that make the blog more searchable.
If you're having problems viewing our posts in any of these places, please let me (Scott: scott@northstarcommunity.com) know so I can get to work on ironing out all the wrinkles.