In God's Image
At our healthiest, we are a people of God who can embrace the fullness of our humanity and practice the capacity God gave us to “bear his image”. Basically this means that we practice what we profess to believe. Is that hard? Yes. Are we often confused about how to apply our core values in real time? Absolutely. But we struggle with this by actively seeking to improve our conscious contact with God and our self-awareness so that we can sort out our confusions and live consistently within our framework of belief. If you are coming from a Christian perspective, then our work includes sorting out all the confusions about what it means to be a Christian and work to practice those beliefs that we understand and accept as true. This is more practical than it sounds.
For now, think about this: If we say we are Christian - which we do not have to but if we do - then we by default must take an interest in what God says it means to be a Christian. How do you receive that? What might need to change for your to embrace that commitment? Now - if you are not a Christian, that’s cool. You fill in your blank about your belief system but you still need to wrestle with the same principle!!!