Weekly Blog
Tips, Tricks, Skills, Spirituality and Wisdom
Using Your Power for Good
"The mark of a great man is one who knows when to set aside the important things in order to accomplish the vital ones."
Brandon Sanderson
My highly successful, hard charging friends amaze me. Their focus on their goals, their ability to create an image that is attractive and inspiring, and their capacity for efficiency and multi-tasking is awe-inspiring. Until it isn't. When taken too far these amazing achievers lose sight of their own goals, their own heart, their own desires. This can become a lonely existence and these folks often feel like they will die if they stop achieving. For balance, these folks need to look for their values and try to make more heart connections with the people that they are influencing - because trust me, these folks are influential!
Could this be you? Is it time to evaluate whether your power is used for good...or not?