Weekly Blog
Tips, Tricks, Skills, Spirituality and Wisdom
Glimpses of God’s Love
“And the time comes one morning when you wake up and find that you have become irrevocably what you were preparing all this time to be.”
Katherine Anne Porter
I do not know if this is true for others, but for me, the older I get the more my life makes sense. I understand myself a bit more and can give myself a tiny dose of compassion and empathy around the choices I made that are, perhaps, regrettable.
Although I do not know if it is true, I feel the hands of God on my timeline. I sense his presence and even intervention. Rarely was this apparent in real time.
As I age I think less about what I might mess up and more about what I will miss if I fail to pay attention. I feel far less pressure to perform because I have lost all confidence in my ability to control.
There is peace in this. My prayer for us -
God, help us to believe in your presence even when we cannot feel it. Help us to trust in you even when we do not understand you. Give us glimpses of your love for us so that we might carry on with courage.