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Scott McBean Scott McBean

COVID Update: Omicron Edition

Below is a message from our COVID response team as continue to try to keep NSC as healthy as possible:


As most of us are aware Covid infections and deaths have risen substantially since Thanksgiving and the Omicron variant has been found to be as many as 70 times more transmissible than previous strains.

In an effort to keep yourself and others safe we strongly urge everyone to wear a mask while attending Northstar services, even if you’re fully vaccinated and have received a booster.

As we continue to monitor the spread of Covid as well as information and guidelines released by the CDC and local health departments we may need to take additional steps to assure the safety of our community.

Thank you for your willingness to assist in this effort.

We know that responses to COVID vary. In the spirit of community, we also just ask for everyone to try to rise above the temptation to make disparaging remarks about others and their choices- and to try to keep contempt out of our conversations as much as possible. We are all people- we are all making the choices that we see fit to make based on each of our own certain ways of seeing.

The greatest test of our faith is if we can honor and respect each other when we DON'T feel like it. I seem to remember Jesus saying something like, "If you love those who love you, that's well and good, but it's easy. We're called to do the hard stuff."

Let's do the hard stuff. You can do it.

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

No Service on December 26th!

We have chosen NOT to meet next Sunday the 26th. Attendance is usually down on holiday weekends anyway so this will just be an opportunity to give yourself permission to spend more time with your family (or whoever, doing whatever).

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Models of Addiction: Family Education Program 12/9/21

Hey all!

Articles pop up constantly talking about addiction as a disease- and the importance of treating it the same way we would any other medical condition.

There are a lot of really good reasons to view addiction as a disease- most of which help us de-stigmatize substance use which helps us create a stronger support network around loved ones.

However, the disease model is NOT the only model that exists that helps us understand and process addiction. There are a number of models- and each one has its strengths and weaknesses.

On Thursday night at 6:30 pm in our Family Education program (Zoom only) we will talk in general terms about the various models and what they have to offer- hope to see you there!

Zoom link:

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Dinner with Wolfes

Hey all!

Dayra and Russ Wolfe are hosting a dinner this Saturday, Nov. 13th, at 5pm. They are going to be providing pasta and drinks (including hot chocolate). It would be amazing if some of you would be willing to bring sides like garlic bread and green salad, as well as some desserts.

Sign up here so that they know how much to make!

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Join us at Anne and Steve’s on October 23rd.

Next week Anne and Steve are hosting us (Saturday, October 23rd at 5pm) out at Goat Lodge. They will be providing chili- we are going to bring sides, desserts, and drinks.

Can't wait to see you there!

If you wanna join in, sign up here. (Hint: after clicking the link, click on the date of the event to get started).

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Zoom Links for ALL Groups

Christmas Service

Join us on Wednesday December 22nd at 6pm for a quiet, contemplative Christmas service.

Yoga With Nancy

Meeting ID: 969 4077 6047

Email Nancy for time, date, and password info.


SMART Recovery at 6:00pm:
Meeting ID: 584 200 4202
Phone: 1-929-436-2866


Intro to the Enneagram at 1:00pm:

Meeting ID: 835 0026 0660

SMART Recovery at 6:00 pm:

Meeting ID: 848 3573 8693

(In person location for SMART: VCU’s Rams in Recovery Clubhouse. 1103 W Marshall St.)


Enneagram Lunch and Learn at 12:00pm:

Meeting ID: 872 7786 5062

Women’s Group at 6:30 pm :

Meeting ID: 896-535-284

Men's Group at 7:00 pm:

Meeting ID: 181-338-894


Family Education at 6:30 pm:


Nar-Anon at 7pm: and Meeting ID: 934 985 342


5:00 pm:

Meeting ID: 436-687-976


Worship and Community at 9:30 am:

Meeting ID: 613-955-597

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Saturday September 4th Info + Sign up!

Hey all-

Lora Hamilton is hosting us on Saturday, September 4th at 5pm. She's going to provide drinks and everyone else can bring a dish to share (or just come and hang out- your choice!)

sign up here.

Also, if you’re interested in hosting on a future Saturday, here’s the sign up to host:

Instructions: Just click on the date of the Saturday that you want to host, click the continue button, and then answer the questions letting us know how many people you can host, the time, whether or not there will be food, etc. etc. and we’ll get a sign up on the website.

Thanks all!

PS- Of course, in the spirit of community, it’s great to gather together whether we’ve setup an official time to do it or not…we’re just using Saturday nights as a way of jump-starting that process.

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

August 21st Party Sign up!

Hey all, Joe and Lori Owen are hosting us at Robious Landing Shelter 3 on August 21st from 5:30-8:00pm. There will be fun outdoor activities and they are providing BBQ- everyone else’s job is to show up and bring sides!

Here’s a link to sign up:

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Saturday July 17 Sign up!

Hey all-

This Saturday (July 17) Carolyn and Tim Kirkbride are hosting you crazy cats and kittens from 5:30-7:30 at the Terraces at the Swift Creek Clubhouse. Here’s a note from Carolyn on the event:

We'll provide the main dish and soft drinks, please bring a side dish or dessert.

We like charades, participation optional! sign up here.

Also, we’re looking for hosts for the rest of July, if you’re interested.

Here’s the link to host:

Instructions: Just click on the date of the Saturday that you want to host, click the continue button, and then answer the questions letting us know how many people you can host, the time, whether or not there will be food, etc. etc. and we’ll get a sign up on the website.

Thanks all!

PS- Of course, in the spirit of community, it’s great to gather together whether we’ve setup an official time to do it or not…we’re just using Saturday nights as a way of jump-starting that process.

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Saturday July 10 Sign up!

Hey all-

Pete and Teresa are hosting us on July 10 at 6pm and are providing dinner, sign up here.

Also, we’re looking for hosts for the rest of July, if you’re interested.

Here’s the link to host:

Instructions: Just click on the date of the Saturday that you want to host, click the continue button, and then answer the questions letting us know how many people you can host, the time, whether or not there will be food, etc. etc. and we’ll get a sign up on the website.

Thanks all!

PS- Of course, in the spirit of community, it’s great to gather together whether we’ve setup an official time to do it or not…we’re just using Saturday nights as a way of jump-starting that process.

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Updates on Saturday nights (July 3, 10, and beyond)!

Hey all-

Here’s on update on the next few Saturday nights. There is no host for the 3rd- plus it’s a holiday weekend- so we will not be meeting.

We have a host for the 10th…and then a wide open schedule if you’d like to sign up.

Of course, in the spirit of community, it’s great to gather together whether we’ve setup an official time to do it or not…we’re just using Saturday nights as a way of jump-starting that process.

Here’s the link to sign up to host:

Just click on the date of the Saturday that you want to host, click the continue button, and then answer the questions letting us know how many people you can host, the time, whether or not there will be food, etc. etc. and we’ll get a sign up on the website.

Thanks all!

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Saturday June 19 Sign up

Saturday night people!

Steve and Anne Wilson are hosting us this Saturday at 4pm! Here's a message from Anne on the event:

Runs from 4:00 pm until as long as you would like to stay

Music with Brian and Steve on the deck

We are providing BBQ and fixins, watermelon, seltzer water and bottled water. You are welcome to bring anything else you might prefer.

Bring chairs, blankets and any yard games you would like.

Parking will be marked at the bottom of our driveway.

Click here to sign up

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Saturday June 12 Sign up

Saturday night people!

Owen and Kim are hosting this week! They live in Powhatan, for you planners, and they have kayaking, swimming, and fishing available. There will be food- and we will send more details when your appointment reminder goes out. Gathering around 5pm, eating around 6pm.

Click here to sign up

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Saturday June 5 Sign-Up

Our host for Saturday is Tom and Terrie- and we're a go! They're hosting us from 6-8pm.

From Terrie:

We will provide food and drink. Menu is undecided (thinking pizzas, salad), but we will try to have a mix of GF/veggie options. Folks are welcome to bring their own if they have special dietary needs/preferences.

Event is weather permitting. We will need to cancel if we can't have it outside.

We will set up for cornhole. We have a pretty big yard, so folks are welcome to bring other games, etc.

Please sign up if you plan to attend so they know how many to expect: (click here).

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

We’re open.

As of Sunday, June 6, we’re fully re-open for our Sunday morning service. No sign-up required.

We will not yet be doing food or coffee, so come with a full belly and maybe bring your own mug (with a top please- you’ve seen our carpet).

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Scott McBean Scott McBean

Sign ups week of May 17

Sign up post for the week of May 17.

Saturday- Lora Hamilton will host a potluck style dinner at 6pm. Sign up here.

Here's the Sunday morning sign up link. Just FYI- it's the same link every week- so feel free to save it. Or feel free to just set yourself up a recurring appointment (if you do that, though, be a dear if you can't make it and cancel the appointment so someone else can have the slot).

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