What We Need
What we need right now is a balm from Gilead! What’s that? The Balm of Gilead was a rare perfume used medicinally in biblical times. It was produced in Gilead, hence its name! It has come to mean a cure for anything that ails us.
And what is more appropriately described as a Balm than the 12-steps? Regardless of our “isms” - those who work (not read) these steps learn almost everything we need to know to have a decent life.
* We learn how to be honest about ourselves with a spirit of acceptance.
* We forge a healthy, surrendered relationship with a God we continue to try to understand. As our understanding grows, our spirits are healed by God. It turns out God heals in many and varied ways. It gives him pleasure to do so. For some of us, the realization that God is delighted to help us might be one of our more shocking discoveries.
* We learn how to clean up our side of the street. We discover that our issues boil down to one or more of four root problems: selfishness, self-seeking, honesty and fear.
* Once we see how our shortcomings caused strife and broken relationships, we were given a very specific plan for how to go make our wrongs right.
Despite our global suffering, we can do this work. It’s easy to feel helpless in the face of virus, job loss, and isolation. But let us not forget - there is still much we can take responsibility FOR and there are ways to remain faithful and responsible TO those we love. Now - on to Step 10: We continue to take personal inventory and when we are wrong - promptly admit it!!