Examen Suggestions
Here are some suggested questions that might help you format your own daily examen practice. We need to use formats that we will actually use - so do what works for you. This checklist can be modified and used immediately to help us find areas for celebration and areas that we want to explore further with a sponsor, mentor or spiritual director. It can be customized to fit our particular shortcomings and strengths - both things we want to track. Finally, we make note of any actions we need to take the following day to make amends, make right a wrong, or adjust our approach.
Daily Checklist:
1. Did I lose my temper?
2. Did I remain patient in a difficult situation?
3. Was I selfish?
4. Was I unselfish?
5. Did I practice self-seeking behaviors?
6. Was I dishonest?
7. Did I practice honesty?
8. Did I tease, belittle, insult or diminish anyone?
9. Was I critical of myself or another person?
10. Did I affirm, validate, or uplift anyone?
11. Did I worry or over-react?
12. Did I pause and respond with calm in a challenging situation?
13. Was I disrespectful to myself or another person?
14. Did I treat myself or someone else with respect?
15. Did I blame anyone for my actions?
16. Did I accept personal responsibility without making excuses?
17. Did I indulge in self-pity?
18. Did I practice self-care (good nutrition, exercise, meditation, service work, meetings, etc.)?
19. Was I resentful?
20. Did I express gratitude?
21. Did I serve others?
22. How did I feel today?
23. When was I aware of conscious contact with God?