Finding Your Yes!

My grandson is crystal clear about what he loves. When he came to visit me on vacation, here are a few things he reported loving - with great gusto.

“Meme, aren’t these power lines awesome?”

“Meme, isn’t that deer so cute?”

“Meme, is that the lake? It is so pretty!”

“Meme, look at those stars! They are amazing!”

Meme, I am so happy to see you!”

“Meme, this kitchen is cool!”

“Meme, this beach is fun!”

“Meme, I want Azeranka to win!”

He was full of YESES. He was attuned to what he loved and in it, he found great pleasure.

In Eugene Peterson’s translation of a passage in Corinthians says,

“Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus. In him this is what we preach and pray, the great Amen, God’s Yes and our yes together, gloriously evident. God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting his Yes within us.”

I often hear prayer in the words of normal conversations, especially in the Yeses.

A Yes is hopeful. A Yes is responsive. A Yes is the way we express agreement among us. A Yes is powerful and promising.

What do you say Yes to? You have a Yes within you, a Yes that is a sure thing in Christ. It is God’s affirmation. In a world that expects Nos - what can you find to lend your Yes to? If you can find your Yes, you find your work. If you find your Yes, you can find your courage and confidence and will to live, even thrive.


The Gifts of God-Light


Identifying Your Central Issue