Who is on Your Support Team?
There is no meaningful ‘Yes’ without the counter-weight of a discerning ‘No’! My granddaughter says no to me putting on her shoes for her; naps; standing still. These ‘Nos’ make her ‘Yeses’ richer, more meaningful. Norah also says ‘Yes’ - a lot! She says ‘Yes’ to playing and running and doing her booty dance. She says yes to cookies and butterfly hunts and jumping on beds or sofas and games of chase.
The adults in her life wrestle with how to respond to her choices. This truly is sacred work. There is some pressure in this responding AND it is a privilege. I think all of the adults in her life try to do so within the framework the CENTRAL ISSUE. Sounds easy? It’s not!
Do we encourage Norah’s awesome gymnastic skills by letting her jump on the sofa? I do not. But I am awfully glad that her other grandma gave her an awesome mini-trampoline to encourage her jumping. You have not lived until you watch her jump in that thing!
It is not accurate to promise that all our dreams come true - especially if we work hard. Sometimes our best efforts do not result in a big dream life. But. And this is the really good stuff….. Whether or not our dreams come true, it probably matters more how all the people in our life are supporting and holding us.
Most of us can survive, maybe even ultimately thrive, as we adjust to a broken dream. But it is awfully hard work to come back from a broken heart. Tomorrow, we will talk about one town’s response to a tragedy and how their story might just be the life lesson we need right about now.
In the meantime, look for the helpers in your life. Who has supported you? It’s ok if first you have to make a list of all the times people have not been supportive. But the crucial list is finding the support team you have had, and will have, as you continue walking this road of life.