Our wrongdoings happen in patterns

Telling the truth is hard work.  Often we are unaware of the truth about ourselves.  Our shame triggers a response that causes us to abort a search for meaningful insights and run from the truth.  


But we can discover the exact nature of our wrongs. Once we are able to provide tools to deal with our shame, we are able to notice patterns of wrongdoing.  We are a people who embrace patterns, and this is also true as it relates to our wrongs. 


Have you noticed that your shame stories have some similar patterns?  Do you have a problem with blaming others?  Do you make excuses for yourself rather than accepting personal responsibility?  Do you avoid conflict at the expense of intimacy?  Are you super aggressive acting but really feel afraid?  Are you too quick to say you are sorry when you are NOT sorry?  What habits do you practice that trigger shame?


Confessing sucks, but not confessing sucks even more


If you're going to confess, make it legit