Getting real about relationship intelligence

Buckle up buttercup: It’s time to get real about your relationship intelligence

How many ways is it possible to be misunderstood, disappointed, disconnected and crushed in relationships? You do NOT have enough time to hear them all. Over the holiday season, many of us rubbed shoulders with those we love but do not necessarily understand and, dare I say it, do not like so much. This can be fun, challenging, exciting or painful. Our reactions to interactions with people we love can be extreme because, in love relationships, the stakes are high, and we are sensitive to relational disruptions (as we should be). No child ever loses the desire for approval and acceptance from a parent. As a parent, I LOVE being around my children and, truth be told, long for their approval and acceptance too. Am I needy? Yeah, sure! But I suspect you are too. We are all created for connection and some relationships are very high stakes in terms of vulnerability. If my neighbor cannot remember how I like my coffee, no big deal. When my husband of over 40 years asks me what I want in my morning brew, I wonder: does he even see me?

Today we start fresh. It’s 2020. I suspect we all want to lose a few Christmas cookie pounds, maybe read the bible in a year, or perhaps find a new job. But what we all LONG FOR, is loving relationships. We can easily find programs for weight loss, a plan for reading the bible in digestible chunks and even coaches to help us get a job - even change careers. But let me ask you a question: How intentionally have you worked on building better relationships? Sure, we want them - but what have we DONE to change our way of relating? Beginning today, we are going to blog about, teach classes on (check out our website for details), preach and pray for change, and prod ourselves to make this a priority. I promise you, we all have work to do in this area. Are you ready? Willing?


The Skill of Listening


May God guide you in the new year