Searching for Deeper Meaning
In 17th century England, in what “seemed like almost apocalyptic conditions”, Paulette shares what happened when people began to search for deeper meaning in their lives. She continues. “When George Fox and others began speaking of the need to turn inward for meaning and direction, thousands were drawn to their message. People discovered a depth of hidden truth about themselves and their world when they delved deep into silent contemplation, and the experience was amplified when they did this communally. Paulette wrote a song inspired by a quote from Fox’s writing:
"All meet together everywhere, and in your meetings wait upon the Lord. And take heed of forming words, but mind the Power, and know that which is eternal, which will keep you all in unity, walking in the Spirit, and will let you see the Lord near you and among you."
During a time of mistrust, brutal punishments handed out to anyone deemed a political threat, a housing crisis, and pandemic that killed 100,000 people in one city - George Fox and others said, “...see the Lord near you and among you.” Maybe even in your inbox.
If you are struggling to trust, find sustainable solutions, figure out how to love your neighbor (who thinks WAY differently than you about almost everything), and live a reasonably peaceful life, well, welcome to my world. Our world. Our current reality. Most of us are in this same place - even if our beliefs are all over the map. We have tons of stuff in common.
How can we “see the Lord near and among us”?
George Fox and friends suggested that we stop talking and start focusing on that which is eternal, the things that we can find unity around, and walk in the Spirit. These practices allow us to see what is real. The Lord is near us and among us. Amazing.