Making mistakes doesn't mean we have to live in shame
In the infamous “ring story” (see the past few days to get caught up if this means nothing to you), a desire to keep someone else’s shiny precious bauble filled me with shame. Shouldn’t a grown woman, a grandmother for-heaven’s-sake, be more mature than to lust after another’s possession? Evidently NOT. As I imagine sharing my secret greed, my face heats up. I feel sick to my stomach. My thoughts begin to race and my mind starts to call me all sorts of ugly names.
Do you have any stories that trigger your shame?
For today, pick one of those stories and offer this prayer over it: “Lord, every time I think about __________________, I feel so ashamed.”
Now, sit quietly and breathe. Notice how your body feels under a shameful attack. Continue to breathe and sit quietly.
After a few minutes, conclude with this: “Thank you, Lord, that your love is bigger than my feelings. I receive this reminder that I am human, I make mistakes, some of them whoppers. Help me find and appreciate people in my life who can validate my feelings and support my healing.”