God Will Light Your Path

Meditation is as simple as sitting, breathing and focusing on the present moment. Research indicates that this is extremely helpful especially if we are struggling with anxiety or depression. When we get distracted with thoughts and worries and plans for the future, just take a deep breath and refocus on our breath.

We are SUPPOSED to experience discomfort, distraction and the like. It serves as a reality check. We notice that we are actually more frantic than we want to admit. Or maybe we see how worried we are about a particular situation. AFTER our meditation, these thoughts may inspire us to write in our prayer journal, or ask God for his divine intervention. But during the “sit” we listen.

Today, here is a verse that offers us a bit of insight into what a faithful life can gift us.

Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.

Ephesians 4:14 NIV

It’s possible in the age of the internet and Facebook to find any information we want to confirm our biases. There are conspiracy theories and plenty of people who want to toy with us. There are also sincere people who others discredit for their own personal gain. If we’re paying attention, it gets pretty hard to figure out what is true.

But here’s the thing that I love so much. God has given us a path to follow, with just enough light to keep us stepping. Today, find some time to ground yourself in his love, grace and mercy. His character is the most important reality we can rely on.


Healing Through Connection


A Firm Foundation of Faith