Accepting Imperfections

“Our job is not to deny the story, but to defy the ending—to rise strong, recognize our story, and rumble with the truth until we get to a place where we think, Yes. This is what happened. And I will choose how the story ends.”

Brene Brown

She waited patiently for a good time. She didn’t push it. She was trusting that she was supported and held by a God who loved her and him, and she could bide her time. Finally, a little thing called a pandemic hit. And they were quarantined at home alone. One morning, after a great breakfast, she took the plunge.

“Kevin, I need to apologize to you. Last week when I asked you about your golfing trip, I was not very clear about my intentions. I apologize. That being said, I would like to try to repair that previous conversation by taking a bit more responsibility for my lack of clarity.” He tries to downplay it and move on to another subject.

“I appreciate your forgiveness, I really do. But I have an issue here, it is mine, I need to address it and it is not good for us if I sweep it under the rug. I love you and I want you and me and us to be good. Can you listen to me for a few minutes?” He slumps back in his chair at the kitchen table and reluctantly agrees.

* What imperfections do you need to accept about yourself before proceeding? We all have them. It’s important to own them and be aware of them.

PS. All the blogs about mediation were inspired by a talk given by Denise Carl during a Family Education Meeting one Thursday evening, on August 27th. She referenced Robert Myers as the original source. Mistakes in interpreting Denise’s teaching are all mine. Hers was perfect.


Checking the Facts...


Qualities of a Good Mediator