The Power of Imagination

The past can steal your present if you let it. You can spend hours, days, weeks, months, or even years overanalyzing a situation from the past...Or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and walk out the door and into the sunlight.

Marc and Angel Cheernoff

Imagination is a wonderful coping strategy. Especially if we use it to our advantage. Marc and Angel’s suggestion to “leave the pieces on the floor and walk out the door and into the sunlight” sparks my imagination for recovery and change.

What if...we came to believe that any situation from the past, no matter how upsetting, does not have to steal our capacity for living in the warm light of the sun?

What if...we came to understand that the “why” is not often where we find forgiveness, grace and mercy? What if we grappled with the ill effects of ruminating and began to let that destructive habit go?

How could we use our imagination to spur us forward, toward the light?


Following Your Inner Compass


A Meditation on Love…