Embracing Powerlessness
For a month’s worth of posts, I (Scott) am critiquing my own past blog posts. I’m viewing this as an experiment in being willing to admit when I’m wrong, change my mind, and to do so publicly.
There are things in life that we can't control and that we're not happy about. We have neither the permission to influence these circumstances nor the capacity to do so. We do not need to judge our initial reaction to these circumstances. Our reaction is whatever our reaction is and that is acceptable. But, at the same time, it's important to know when things are far enough outside of our control that there is nothing we can do about it.
Granted, we will struggle (that is, in the moment) to recognize an encounter with powerlessness unless we're already accustomed to living in reality. We resist seeing powerlessness for what it is because it confirms one of our deepest fears: We can't prevent unpleasant things from happening. Our bodies will go to great lengths in order to protect us from this uncomfortable truth. Denial is one example of this.
New Scott v. Old Scott:
You all are probably tired of hearing my new-to-me take on denial. I now believe that denial is the perfectly natural byproduct of being confronted or challenged over something that is somewhat sensitive.
That said- I largely agree with this post. It is definitely uncomfortable to have unwanted things happen to us in life. There is no “good” way to avoid unpleasant events and unpleasant reactions to events. However, it is helpful for us to be aware that unpleasant events cause chain reactions of feelings and behavior- and we can learn how to better tolerate these reactions and, then, choose responses that are more in-line with who we want to be.